Why become a Sponsor?
Get extra visibility and recognition for your business – and some great perks and benefits – while supporting SAMA’s work to promote the manufacturing industry. Become an annual sponsor!
— Elizabeth Hawkins, Vice President, Hawkins Personnel Group
Annual Sponsorship and Membership Pricing / Benefits
Platinum Level Sponsorship– $15,000 Annually- Industry Exclusive
- Membership includes benefits for all Employees of the organization
- Corporate table of eight for Gala and SAMA sponsorship recognition on event advertisements when applicable.
- One 10×20 booth at the South Texas Manufacturing Trade Show & Conference™
- One foursome in each golf tournament held annually including SAMA sponsorship recognition on event advertisements –Spring and Fall
- Two Tickets for SAMA Annual Bus Tour
- Two Ticket to SAMA Annual CEO Event
- Two tickets to attend the monthly membership luncheons
- Two tickets to all full one-day workshops & seminars
- One data file of the membership in excel format semi-annually – Per Request
- Listing that links to your website on SAMA Sponsorship webpage
- Listing of sponsors on SAMA event emails
- Name and/or logo on event invitations, registration forms, printed programs, and event signage (space permitting)
- Advertisement on SAMA Social Media Platforms
- 4 Promotions of your events per year as available – Sponsor must submit request
- Listing in SAMA Membership Data Base
- Access to continuing education programs for professional development
- Business to Business Networking events
- Membership exclusive event sponsorship opportunities
- Representation and Advocacy at Regional, State and National levels
Gold Level Sponsorship– $10,000 Annually - Industry Exclusive
- Membership includes benefits for all Employees of the organization
- Corporate table of eight for Gala and SAMA sponsorship recognition on event advertisements when applicable.
- One 10×10 Booth at the South Texas Manufacturing Trade Show & Conference™
- One Foursome in each Golf Tournament held Annually – Spring and Fall
- One Ticket to SAMA Annual Bus Tour
- One Ticket to SAMA Annual CEO Event
- One Ticket to attend each of the Monthly Membership Luncheons
- One Ticket to all workshops & seminars
- One Data File of the Membership in Excel Format semi-annually – Per Request
- Listing that links to your website on SAMA Sponsorship webpage
- Listing of sponsor on SAMA event emails
- Name and/or logo on event invitations, registration forms, printed programs, and event signage (space permitting)
- Advertisement on SAMA Social Media Platforms
- 2 Promotions of your events per year as available – Sponsor must submit request
- Listing in SAMA Membership Data Base
- Access to continuing education programs for professional development
- Business to Business Networking events
- Membership exclusive event sponsorship opportunities
- Representation and Advocacy at Regional, State and National levels
Silver Level Sponsorship– $7,500 Annually - Industry Exclusive
- Membership includes benefits for all Employees of the organization
- Corporate table of eight for Gala and SAMA sponsorship recognition on event advertisements when applicable.
- One 10×10 Booth at the South Texas Manufacturing Trade Show & Conference™
- One Foursome in each Golf Tournament held Annually – Spring and Fall
- One Ticket to SAMA Annual Bus Tour
- One Ticket to attend each of the Monthly Membership Luncheons
- One Ticket to all workshops & seminars
- One Data File of the Membership in Excel Format semi-annually – Per Request
- Listing that links to your website on SAMA Sponsorship webpage
- Listing of sponsor on SAMA event emails
- Name and/or logo on event invitations, registration forms, printed programs, and event signage (space permitting)
- Advertisement on SAMA Social Media Platforms
- 1 Promotion of your event per year as available – Sponsor must submit request
- Listing in SAMA Membership Data Base
- Access to continuing education programs for professional development
- Business to Business Networking events
- Membership exclusive event sponsorship opportunities
- Representation and Advocacy at Regional, State and National levels
- Membership exclusive event sponsorship opportunities
- Representation and Advocacy at Regional, State and National levels
Manufacturers Level Sponsorship– $2,000 Annually
- Membership includes benefits for all Employees of the organization
- One ticket to attend the monthly membership luncheons
- One free ticket to all SAMA workshops & seminars
- One data file of the membership in excel format semi-annually – Per Request
- Listing that links to your website on SAMA Sponsorship webpage
- Listing of sponsor on SAMA event emails
- Name and/or logo on event invitations, registration forms, printed programs, and event signage (space permitting)
- Advertisement on SAMA Social Media Platforms
- Listing in SAMA Membership Data Base
- Access to continuing education programs for professional development
- Business to Business Networking events
- Membership exclusive event sponsorship opportunities
- Representation and Advocacy at Regional, State and National levels
Associate Level Sponsorship – $3250.00 Annually– Industry Exclusive
- Membership includes benefits for all Employees of the organization
- One ticket to attend the monthly membership luncheons
- One free ticket to all SAMA workshops & seminars
- One data file of the membership in excel format semi-annually – Per Request
- Listing that links to your website on SAMA Sponsorship webpage
- Listing of sponsor on SAMA emails
- Name and/or logo on event invitations, registration forms, printed programs, and event signage (space permitting)
- Advertisement on SAMA Social Media Platforms
- Listing in SAMA Membership Data Base
- Access to continuing education programs for professional development
- Business to Business Networking events
- Membership exclusive event sponsorship opportunities
- Representation and Advocacy at Regional, State and National levels
Manufacturers Membership – Annual (Pricing Based on # of Employees)
- Membership includes benefits for all Employees of the organization
- Membership Discounts to all SAMA Events
- Listing in SAMA Membership Data Base
- Access to continuing education programs for professional development
- Business to Business Networking events
- Membership exclusive event sponsorship opportunities
- Representation and Advocacy at Regional, State and National levels
Manufacturers Membership– Quarterly Payments (Pricing Based on # of Employees)
- Membership includes benefits for all Employees of the organization
- Membership Discounts to all SAMA Events
- Listing in SAMA Membership Data Base
- Access to continuing education programs for professional development
- Business to Business Networking events
- Membership exclusive event sponsorship opportunities
- Representation and Advocacy at Regional, State and National levels
Associate Membership - $750.00 Annually
- Membership includes benefits for all Employees of the organization
- Membership Discounts to all SAMA Events
- Listing in SAMA Membership Data Base
- Access to continuing education programs for professional development
- Business to Business Networking events
- Membership exclusive event sponsorship opportunities
- Representation and Advocacy at Regional, State and National levels
Associate Membership– $187.50 Quarterly
- Membership includes benefits for all Employees of the organization
- Membership Discounts to all SAMA Events
- Listing in SAMA Membership Data Base
- Access to continuing education programs for professional development
- Business to Business Networking events
- Membership exclusive event sponsorship opportunities
- Representation and Advocacy at Regional, State and National levels
Applications are subject to approval by the Board of Directors.
*1 year SAMA Manufacturer Membership with a Quarterly payment plan with auto billing required. 30-day cancellation requirement must be submitted via email to SAMA 30 days in advance of membership cancellation.
Become a Sponsor
Other Opportunities
Sponsors make some of our most valuable member benefits possible. Contact us today to learn about increasing visibility for your business by sponsoring:
Become a Sponsor
Membership Luncheon Sponsorship
SAMA Member Exclusive
$1,000 – As a luncheon presenting sponsor you will be provided with the following opportunities:
- Brief opportunity to present to luncheon attendees
- 6 seats to the event, equaling one table
- Priority table seating at the event
- Table signage
- Display table for promotional material
- Verbal recognition during the opening and closing remarks of the event
- Logo recognition in all electronic communications*
- Logo placement on all printed materials*
- Logo recognition on event day
SAMA Member Exclusive
$600 – As a luncheon table sponsor you will be provided with the following opportunities.
- 6 seats to the event, equaling one table
- Priority table seating at the event
- Table signage
- Verbal recognition during the opening and closing remarks of the event
- Logo recognition in all electronic communications*
- Logo placement on all printed materials*
- Logo recognition on event day
For more info please contact rosie@staging-sama-tx.devsquad.tech.
Trade Show Sponsorship
Golf Sponsorship
For more info please contact rosie@staging-sama-tx.devsquad.tech.
Become a Sponsor